This 12m catamaran was designed with cruising in mind. It is a solidly built vessel and ideal for liveaboard and sailing long distances short handed. With a seven berth layout in spacious style with furnishing and trimmings to match. Full standing{6' 5") headroom in both hulls and wheelhouse. The build quality is exceptional with the reputation of being very well built, seaworthy boast and have been called the best live aboard cruising catamaran ever made.
Despite this the Catalac is by no means a slouch. It will sail easily to 40 degrees off the wind at a steady speed of 7-8 knots in an 18 knot breeze and in stronger conditions can easily maintain a speed of 9-10 knots. It should be remembered that a 12M Catalac 41 survived the worst storm on record in the Pacific (Queen’s Birthday Storm June 1994), at ground zero, without losing it’s mast or any of her crew receiving injuries. Every monohull in the area was rolled and dismasted with loss of life.